5 healthy addition to your daily routine

Daily Up

You  hit snooze a few times, roll out of bed, & before you know it, you find yourself staring at your computer screen, working.

You're left to wonder, where did the morning go?

If this sounds at all familiar, you may be lacking a morning routine, and this lack of structure could be costing you in all aspects of your life. Without a routine, you are more apt to ineffectively use your time, experience higher stress levels and have poor sleep. You even make less money. Data has found that people with a strict morning routine earn an average of $12,500 more per year than those who don’t follow a routine. 

What you do in the morning clearly matters.  

Now that we’re entering into a “New Normal,” use this moment as an opportunity to create a new updated routine that more accurately reflects the growth you seek in your life. 

Not only is it beneficial to challenge yourself to add new responsibility into your life for a nice change of pace, but it also activates muscles in your brain to be more vigilant and aware. The same old coffee run and rush off to hit the road is outdated and not conducive to the focus and results you want to generate.  

I personally have integrated five new additions into my daily routine and this has lightened my mood and kept me ahead of the game while also leaving me with a feeling of accomplishment.

Have good day

1. Set your intentions for the day 

The first item of the day is to set aside a moment during breakfast or after your morning shower to write down your intentions for the day. Your intentions should be greater than making a to-do list for the day to “pick up bread and milk after work” or “make sure to fill up my stapler on my desk.” These intentions you set should be specific and positive actions to apply to your day. For example,“Today I’m going to lead with generosity, taking the time and energy to connect and truly work with my company members as a team.” Some of these can be a continuous intention that you have for your overall week, month or year or an ongoing life value. Be sure to write them down; the act of getting your thoughts out on paper helps you be less judgmental and more compassionate to yourself, and it helps generate a greater sense of accountability.

According to Dr. William A. Tiller of Stanford University, setting your daily intentions creates “an energetic pattern in your consciousness.” The addition of intention setting is a great source of daily grounding and rooting, but it is also great for manifestation of promotional opportunities and to help you maintain a goal-oriented mindset.  

Not sure where to start with your intentions? Here are a few:

I give myself and others my full attention.

I use all opportunities that are around me to learn and open my mind.

I do what I love and I love what I do.

Today I challenge myself to give my energy toward accomplishing my tasks at hand and being open to anything that may come my way.   

Think about

2. Meditate on your intention

Meditation not only aids in your intentions coming to life, it also improves your overall health, something worth prioritizing more than ever. A new study indicates that people who meditated over an eight-week period had a striking change in genes that regulate inflammation, circadian rhythms, and glucose metabolism, all of which aided in lowering blood pressure.

Being grounded and present will also give you better footing for unexpected circumstances or communicating whatever you may need to colleagues and higher-ups. Research has found a link between meditation and improving communication within relationships. When you incorporate a practice of mindfulness you are better able to approach difficult situations and conversations from a more present and calm space. If Covid-19 heightens any of your mental health triggers, meditation and breathwork are proven to be therapeutic modalities. 

If you are just starting out, meditation can feel like an uphill battle, especially if you have an active mind. Here are a few apps to help you get started. I love starting with guided meditations that actually help you set intentions for your day—double win!

3.Daily workout..

You do some exercise daily in routine.like yoga,meditation, breath exercise.you can do no workout.

4.keep up to date.

There is an endless stream of resources at your fingertips. The question is, are you using them?

Whether it’s a walk, a drive, or even a metro ride, it’s easier than ever to fit in at least one article or a news show in your morning routine. This will have you ready to head to work with fresh updates, conversation starters & innovative ideas that can catapult you & your business to the next level—as well as keep you current on what’s new & evolving in today’s rapid moving market. 

5. Forget past bad things :- To keep your mind fresher and good it is necessary to forget all bad things happen in past life.

Healthy addition to your daily routine


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