Don't forget to wash hands


Hand wash

Unseen dirt is hidden in our hands which can touch, use and make any kind of thing caused by daily tasks.This filth goes into our body without food and drinks without washing hands and gives rise to diseases. On October 15, 'Global Hand Washing Day' or 'World Hand Washing Day' is celebrated all over the world to create awareness about hand washing.Today, the importance of this day increases even more amidst the worldwide corona epidemic.It is taught in school that one should wash hands before eating food.Apart from this, many things related to cleanliness are told.Gradually these things get included in our good habits, but many people around the world are not aware of them even today.The purpose of 'World Hand Washing Day' is to spread this awareness to the society.Various events are organized on this day, especially in schools and offices, to inform about the benefits of hand washing and the damage caused by non-washing. Educate and aware children in Anganwadis and government schools before hand washing So that they Make a habit.Actually, it is only a part of health awareness as hand washing can prevent many diseases and it is a good initiative towards better health.Every person should be aware of these small things about health, so that we can build a healthy society.

Don't forget wash your hands

'On October 15, 'Global Hand Washing Day' or 'World Hand Washing Day' is celebrated all over the world to create awareness about hand washing.Today, the importance of this day increases even more amidst the worldwide corona epidemic.'

Benefits of hand washing

 • cold with regular scrub and catching flu-like infections may reduce the risk of It also prevents eye infection which could be bacteria and Can be caused by germs which go into the eyes with hands.

 • Those from regular scrub remove germs and bacteria diarrhea which helps in keeping

and cause intestinal diseases can be made.


First of all 'World Hand Washing Day'The event was took place on October 15, 2008.Date of the United Nations General assembly had decided theme of the day this year is' hand hygiene for all 'ie' for all hand hygiene '.

Hand wash & rub 

The right way to wash hands

 • Moisten your hands with clean and running water.Turn off the tap and apply soap. Rub it well behind hands, between your fingers and under your fingernails.
 • Rub hands with soap for at least 20 seconds.
 • Now open the tap and wash your hands with water.
 • Dry the hands with a clean towel or air.

How often do you need to wash hands?

• After shopping, taking groceries or getting out of the house.
• Before and after wearing the mask.
• After coughing or sneezing.
• Repeatedly while caring for someone sick.
• Before and after preparing food.
• Before eating.
•After using the toilet.
•When your hands get dirty.
•After handling animals or animal waste.

soap history.

History of soap

The history of soap actually goes back to very old times.The first soap is said to have been inhabited by Babylonian people was made in around 2800 BC.

Soap is the focal point of our lives today. It kills the corona virus, our biggest enemy. Soap destroys the corona virus fat, the weakest of any virus.Is hard Soap is actually very old time is in use from he first soap is said to have been inhabited by Babylonian people around 2800 BC.was prepared in For soap they used fat which they used to mix with ash and they used for treatment as well as cleanliness.So these two special qualities of soap were evident from the beginning.It is also said that Egyptians used a substance like soap in 1550 BC.Used to be around It was prepared by mixing alkaline salts and vegetable oil.By the way, almost all the old civilizations had some formulation of their own soaps - Phoenicians, Celts, Arabs, Romans all used some kind of soap.The early Romans used urine to make a similar thing as soap.A soap factory in Pompeii's remains was also found.Until the industrialization in the 19th century, soaps continued to be made on a small scale, but after this, soaps started being made in factories on a large scale and today many types of soap are used all over the world.

Don't forget wash your hands

Wash your hands daily


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